Google Website Translator Gadget

martedì 29 novembre 2011

After the Great and unexpected succes...

After the Great and unexpected succes obtained from Vpn one Click Professional on th iPhone, in a few days will be released the newest version for iPad (version 1.10) and immediately after the Mac version!!!
Vpn One Click protects your privacy online, unlocks all blocked services like Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Voip etc., by connecting to a VPN
(Virtual Private Network) Server. Your public ip address will be different from the real one and the connection will appear as coming
from a different country to full protect your privacy. With Vpn One Click you can maintain total anonymity in all Internet connections and avoids the interception of ALL Internet communication (not only web surfing), all of this using the internet connection at the maximum speed 
with no visible delay! You can use the service with NO traffic limit and can be activate with only ONE CLICK!
The Download as always is FREE


- unblock all blocked service like Facebook, Skype, Twitter, Youtube, any voip and any web site;
- maintain total anonymity in all Internet connections;
- avoids the interception of ALL Internet communication (not only web surfing);
- access any website without any tracking, interception or filter from anyone;
- use the internet connection at the maximum speed with no visible delay;
- use the service with NO TRAFFIC LIMIT;
- use the same subscription for every iPhone/iPad that you own;
- activate the service with only ONE CLICK!

Free Download: 

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